Learn From Others When Sending Email Newsletters

Sending Email Newsletters

It might be that you are sending email newsletters to your list of subscribers.

If you do this, as already mentioned in a previous blog post, you must be certain that you have enough content to make this work.

There is absolutely no point in promising a monthly newsletter if you only have enough content for two months and then it all fizzles out.

So if you are starting a newsletter then you could start out by being ultra conservative.

Maybe start off with a three-monthly newsletter to begin with.

This would not eat into too much of your time and it would not give you a massive headache of having to find acres of content to fill it. (If you can’t find enough content for a three monthly newsletter, then you should not really be considering writing an email newsletter at all.)

If you are considering sending out your own newsletter then you might like to check out this resource – newsletterarchive.org – where you will find a huge archive of newsletters from a wide and varied group of organisations.

Even if you are not considering sending out your own newsletter it is certainly worth taking a look at the different styles of newsletters people are already sending out.

Basically you should take every chance you can get to see how other people communicate with their customers and subscribers.