How to Harness The Emotions Of Your Subscribers

Email marketing and emotions

Email marketing and emotions: We are creatures driven by our emotions.

Emotions help us to bond with others, can influence the decisions we make in our every day lives and you want to appeal to the emotions of your subscribers.

We have already seen how you can use RocketResponder emails to communicate with those who have subscribed to your list.

You will get the best results from your emails (and from the content you put on your website and every advert you place) if you can appeal to people’s emotions.

But choose the emotions you wish to trigger carefully…get the wrong ones and you will get the opposite of what you have in mind.

Here are some emotions you want to avoid triggering…

  • boredom – if you send out dull emails then you will send your subscribers into a coma and they will never want to listen to anything you have to say ever again.
  • distrust – if you make promises you fail to deliver on or promote programs which don’t live up to the hype surrounding them then you will lose the trust of your list and once that happens it is almost impossible to recover.
  • anger – it is very easy to make your subscribers angry by misjudging their needs and requirements. Bombarding them with marketing emails every day is one way to really make them angry with you.

Here are some emotions you really want to trigger…

  • empathy – you want to build up a rapport with your list. People want to know that you are “just like them” and not some distant person looking down on them from your ivory tower.
  • desire – there is so much out there which we want to have but which we do not really need to have. Your job is to make people feel an overwhelming desire to want to have the goods or services you provide above the goods or services of everybody else targeting them in your niche.
  • passion – get your subscribers passionate by showing how passionate you are. This passion will make itself known by more return visits to your website, more of your emails getting opened and more of your offers being bought.