Just A Reminder About Why You Are Here

yes checkbox

Everybody you send an email to has got something in common…each of your email subscribers has given you permission to contact them.

But, being human, sometimes we forget that we have signed up to any given list in the first place.

So you could do your email subscribers a favor by reminding them of how they got to be on your list in the first place.

A cool way to do this is to include a little blurb in the footer of every email you send out.

It could say something like this:

“You are receiving this email because you signed up to my blog/filled out an online form on my website etc. to receive emails from me.

“I work hard to ensure I send out relevant emails to my subscribers but understand that needs and circumstances change.

“Therefore if this information is no longer relevant from you and you don’t want to hear from me then please use the “unsubscribe” link right here.”

Including something like this is good because it shows that:

  • you care about your email subscribers’ needs
  • you fully appreciate that you need their permission to contact them
  • you genuinely want to give them relevant information
  • you don’t want to waste their time if they no longer want to hear from you
  • you are totally upfront and honest about how to subscribe from your list.