Your Subject Line Has One Purpose And One Purpose Only

good email subject lines

There is one thing which seems to cause a huge amount of problems for anyone who writes emails for business…

What exactly makes a good email subject lines?

Some people agonize over this for far longer than it takes to write the entire body of the email itself.

Others have no idea what to say and others manage to mess it up completely.

Here is all you need to know about the subject line or header for your email message.

It serves only one purpose and that is to spark sufficient interest to get your email opened.

So when you write your RocketResponder emails remember that that the header plays a vital role…it can make the difference between whether your message is even seen or not.

Here are some tips:

  • Always remember that the header serves to get your email  open
  • Take time to get the header right – don’t just write the first thing that comes to mind
  • Don’t lie or be misleading in your header – it will make your subscribers angry
  • The header should relate to the main body of the email in some way, and finally one tip I never thought I would have to write…
  • Don’t drop the f-bomb in your header…honestly this has happened to me in the past. Do this and not only will I not open your email, I won’t ever take anything you say seriously ever again.

Subject lines are so important that we will be returning to this topic again and again so don’t forget to subscribe to the RocketResponder blog so that you never miss a single post.