Branding Is More Important Now Than Ever It Was

Email communication tips

Email communication tips: In the last post we discussed how branding has been compared to a religious experience for many.

Today I heard a new way of describing branding…and it certainly helps demonstrate how important it is in today’s marketplace.

Marketing expert Liz Papagni said this:

“Marketing without branding is like fishing without a hook.”

Think about that for a moment.

What Liz is saying here is that without branding, then marketing is futile.

Maybe her message is a little extreme because marketing will certainly get your message out to people but it is a laborious process which needs to repeated well..for ever or for as long as you want to remain in business.

But branding is the opposite. Branding is a tool which will pull customers in to you. Use marketing to push your message out there and use branding to pull customers in to you.

Liz goes on to say in her post:

In an ideal world, a solid brand should precede your marketing. However, that’s not to say it’s ever too late to begin developing a branding plan for the future. No matter when you start, it’s sure to offer immense benefit to your marketing program and outcomes.”

Branding, done properly will also help you to better communicate with your customers and RocketResponder is one of the best tools you could use to ensure your email communication is done effortlessly and efficiently.

If you have never really thought about branding before then check out Liz’s post as it sets out some very important points about why branding is such a powerful too.

After all you wouldn’t go fishing without a hook on the end of the line.


Use Branding To Gain Passionate and Loyal Customers

gain passionate and loyal customers

If you have had any dealings with the owners and staff of RocketResponder, you will know one thing…use branding to gain passionate and loyal customers.

The passion comes from wanting to design new products which are useful, simple to use and which make the lives of their customers easier or more profitable.

It makes sense that if you own a business that you should be passionate about it…if you are not then it will be a constant struggle to make that business work.

So let’s look at things from a different perspective.

How passionate are your customers about your business? Because it also must surely follow that if your customers are not really passionate about what you do then it will also be a constant struggle to make your business work.

Research has shown that one of the best ways to get passionate customers is to build a strong brand. In fact if you can do this right then you will build a powerful army of evangelistic customers who will want to go out and spread the word about how good your brand is.

I use the word “evangelistic” on purpose because I recently read one branding expert refer to brand loyalty as being a “religious experience” for many people these days.

So pay attention to branding. Maybe you should build your brand around you because that will be one constant in your business?

Maybe you could build it around something else entirely – after all it might not be so helpful to build a brand around you if your ultimate goal is to sell the business on to someone else sometime down the line.

The main message here is to think about branding if you have not already done so.

Do some research of your own if you feel you are weak in this area…it will certainly be time well spent.