Giving Your Customers the Wrong Impression

Are You Giving Your Customers the Wrong Impression?

As you build your client base and email marketing campaign, you’ll likely start playing the game of “what works.” That is, you’ll have to try out a variety of marketing methods, language, styles of interaction, and everything you can think of to get people to click the link in their email and come back to your site. What makes one person click and another not? A good place to start when trying to determine this is looking at the type of impression you are giving your email sign-ups.

How could you be giving your customers the wrong impression with your emails? There are things that could be working against you.

Are you desperate?

One of the biggest bad impressions you’ll give to your readers is that you are desperate for their business. This happens if you send them too many emails in a short span of time. How long does it take before you get annoyed with seeing the same sender in your email inbox? The fact is, you need to ensure you are not sending so much email that they avoid it and unsubscribe from it.

Are you a newbie? Let’s say you make a critical mistake and send your email to your huge list of followers without taking the time to send a test email first. Then, you realize the link in that email is wrong or there is a glaring mistake in the content. Not only do you lose out on potential sales this way, but you also end up looking like you are a newbie, not the industry leader you need to be.

Are you arrogant?

Another big mistake that will give the wrong impression is sending graphic-filled, hard-to-open emails. Sure, you may have a big budget to spend in fantastic graphics (and you think that will make you stand out) but the fact is, no one wants to wait for graphics to open and load. You’ll look arrogant, not a quality that many clients and customers want to interact with through email.

Are you lying?

Let’s be frank here. If your subject line is misleading so much so that it basically lies to your customer or client, chances are good you are going to put a bad taste in their mouth before they open their email. Don’t try to be so clever that you end up making people annoyed with the email message that doesn’t fit the subject line.

Are you unprofessional?

Another bad impression you could make has to do with the way your emails look and present themselves to your readers. For example, are you using email marketing software? This is the only true way to send a sales or newsletter type of message in a professional, organized manner. The good news is once you do this, you can really impress your newsletter subscribers with truly easy to read content that allows them to take advantage of your opportunity.

There’s some good news, though!

If you are not seeing the responses that you want, and you still have peopled signed up for your emails, you still have opportunities to turn things around. To do that, start with outlining the type of impress you do want to provide your readers. You likely want your readers to believe that you are professional, experts in the industry, and worth investing time in. To achieve that goal, you’ll want to improve communications, use email software to ensure you are being professional, and invest in a bit of marketing know-how. Doing so will ensure that every one of your emails gets attention.

Justin Ledvina

CEO & Co-Founder of RocketResponder. Serial entrepreneur with an extreme passion for small business growth.

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