Convert Leads into Buyers

5 Strategies for Converting Leads into Buyers

Unless your marketing campaign includes automated emails, it’s doomed to fail. That may sound apocalyptic but, unfortunately, it’s the truth.

Whether your company is adding a blog to its website, promoting a new product or service or simply maintaining close customer relationships, email represents one of the most effect channels for communicating, engaging and ultimately, persuading potential buyers to make a purchase. Why, you ask? Because email:

  • Sends real-time messages to consumers searching for cutting-edge information that gives them an advantage over other consumers.
  • Grabs attention by addressing leads with personalized information–first name, geolocation, etc.
  • Lets you stay in constant contact with your leads (remember the old adage “out of sight, out of mind”?)
  • Can be compared against “test” emails using different content, graphics and subject lines. Sending two different versions of one email to leads and examining what kind of response you receive to each email lets you know right away what works and what doesn’t.
  • Is shareable in an instant. Gone are those awful days of trying to reach just a few customers by spending a lot of time and money on snail-mail campaigns. Email marketing strategies can have your products and services known to virtually thousands of leads via Gmail and social media.

And the really good news is that there are even more ways to convert leads into buyers!

1. All You Gotta Do is Show Them the “Money”

In this case, “money” means “proof” that supports the benefits your leads will enjoy if they purchase your goods. Proof could include customer reviews, offering free product samples, testimonials and BBB accreditation.

2. Come and Get Yours Before They’re All Gone!

There’s something about being told a great product is on the verge of selling out that converts leads lickety-split. Savvy businesses that have profited by relying on this behavior often create a genuine product shortage by limiting inventory or selling a product only for a certain time period.

3. Reach, Engage and Nurture, Nurture, Nurture!

Don’t stop your email marketing efforts just because you find new leads. Since the majority of new leads are not yet convinced that your product or service is worth entering their credit card info, you’ve got to nurture those leads like newborns while building their trust and establishing a long-term commitment to your business. You can do this by developing a failsafe email marketing plan that cultivates personalized relationships with all your leads.

4. Once Upon a Time…

A business began sending emails to customers that told compelling, emotionally engaging stories centering on their products and services. Since these emails did not reek of “sales-y” talk or scream spammy headlines, customers began looking forward to reading “storytelling” emails that naturally developed a sense of belief and trust towards the business.

And they started making purchases–a lot of them!

5. Make Leads Feel a Bit Uneasy-Just Don’t Scare Them

Arousing curiosity colored slightly with a sense of uneasiness makes it really hard for customers to just walk away from your emails without turning into amateur detectives. By understanding the needs and desires of your audience, you can start an automated email marketing campaign with a few “story-telling” emails hinting at what may happen to them if they didn’t use your services or products. Follow up those emails with fascinating info about your products and scenarios describing the many benefits of purchasing your products.

Those flesh-and-blood leads are out there right now, just waiting for you to push their “persuade me” button and boost your conversion rates into another dimension. It’s never been a better time to start working on your next automated email marketing campaign–today.

Justin Ledvina

CEO & Co-Founder of RocketResponder. Serial entrepreneur with an extreme passion for small business growth.

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