Email Marketing For Lawyers

Email Marketing For Lawyers

The relationship between lawyer and client is one of trust and discretion.

The problem is that for many, when seeking a new lawyer, it is difficult to know who to trust with your legal problems.

Not only that, but it can be hard to work out whether the lawyer you are considering is actually good at their job or is someone you will want to trust and open up to.

As a lawyer you want people to trust you and you have only a short time to win people over before they consider moving onto the next name on their list. (more…)

Email Marketing Beats Social Media

Why Email Marketing Beats Social Media for Small Businesses

Small business owners typically hear advice on making the most of social media for marketing purposes. After all, social media helps you reach large audiences and interact easily with potential clients. However, focusing on social media might mean you end up neglecting to make use of an even more effective marketing tool that’s right at your fingertips. Email marketing provides certain advantages over social media for small businesses that really shouldn’t be overlooked.


Boost Email Subscribers

3 Ways to Boost Email Subscribers

You have the perfect layout for your marketing emails, a thoughtful strategy that includes engaging content, and exciting calls-to-action that should get great results. You have everything in place except for one small detail: the list. An amazing email marketing campaign is only as good as the people you can send to. If your list is lacking, here are three ways to get more signups.
