Take Your Time With Your Email Campaigns

Email Campaigns

You may have heard the expression “more haste, less speed” or “act in haste, repent at leisure,” but what has any of that got to do with email marketing and email campaigns?

Well here at RocketResponder we think quite a lot really.

Sometimes, sadly, it is all too clear that people spend a lot of time and effort in building a list of subscribers and then put hardly any time or effort into actually interacting with them.

You need to put the same care and dedication into dealing with the communication side of your business as you out into product development, marketing or sales.

Here are some silly mistakes you really must avoid:

  • thinking that your email campaigns are not really that important
  • thinking that you can leave the writing of emails to the last minute
  • rushing through your autoresponder series because you have “much more important” tasks to be getting on with or
  • adding a last minute email marketing campaign for a product launch because you have run out of time and the launch is just a few days away

Customers are getting increasingly sophisticated and they will know if you have just rushed out some half-baked email campaign at the last minute.

Doing so will give the impression that you just don’t really care at all; that you don’t care about your customers and that you don’t care about your products.

So always build in your email campaigns into your product launches, upcoming promotions and overall marketing strategy.

Use the power of email communication to show that you do really care and, in the process, give yourself a jump start over the competition who use email badly.

Plan what you want to say in advance and take as much time as is necessary to get the job done properly. You should reap the rewards in better customer retention and increased sales.

Patrick Griffin

Patrick Griffin has been marketing online for 15 years. He's a serial entrepreneur and an avid email and content marketing enthusiast with a background in publishing and journalism, including a UK Press Award.

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