Subject Lines Don’t Need To Be Personalised

Subject Lines

Sometimes people agonize over whether they should personalize their email subject lines.

I am not sure that adding the recipient’s name to the subject line generally adds very much value, if any at all.

Of course it is good to add the name to the main body of the email but do you really want to do so in the subject line as well?

The danger of adding a name so the subject line is that makes the email have too much of a marketing feel to it.

It can put the thought in the recipient’s mind: “I am going to get pitched here. I don’t want to know,” and that is is exactly the opposite effect you want it to have.

Remember that the only purpose of the subject line is to get your email opened in the first place, so spend your time in making it captivating and engaging instead.

But if you really want to personalize a subject line then go ahead and try it. Do some split testing and chart the results to see how your open rates are effected.


Patrick Griffin

Patrick Griffin has been marketing online for 15 years. He's a serial entrepreneur and an avid email and content marketing enthusiast with a background in publishing and journalism, including a UK Press Award.

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