Why Signature Lines & Post Scripts Are So Important…

When creating content to send via email, there are plenty of articles and presentations out there that describe how important your headline and subject line are…

Entire courses online are dedicated to not only that start of your email copy but also the body of it as well.

And I’m not trying to take anything away from how important those parts of your copy are however something I read recently captured my attention when it comes to drafting the perfect email.

In a recent article on MarketingProfs.com, the author showcased how studies done in eye tracking emails, focused on the email signatures and the banners that senders could add to their copy.

And when you think about it…When you read emails…Where do your eyes quickly travel to?

I know in my case, it’s almost always the P.S. or the bottom of the copy.

Why is that?

I do believe that we want to get to the nitty gritty as soon as possible. Is there an offer that we will discover at the bottom of the email? What’s the call to action and main purpose of the email….We tend to find all those answers in our post scripts and signature lines.

Try it out!

Try to play and have fun with your signature lines and post scripts and I believe you will see an increase in click through rates as well as action taking via your broadcasts.

Did you know that you can broadcast your messages using RocketResponder for one low fee every month? It doesn’t matter if you have 100 people on your mailing list or 100,000. We don’t charge you a mortgage payment for your email marketing like others tend to do 😉 Try us out for free for 30 days today!

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