Top Autoresponder Tips: Turning Leads Into Customers Part One

turning leads into customers

Top Autoresponder Tips – turning leads into customers: In business not everyone who shows an initial interest in your product will go on to become a customer.

Some will take a quick look and then move on elsewhere when they realize what you have to offer does not meet their needs.

If you offer a free trial, such as we do here with RocketResponder, several things may happen during that trial.

Here are some of the things that we have found that happen with those who take our 30 day free trial:

  • Nothing at all – some people sign up and never do another thing again. They don’t log in, use the software or read any emails from us. You have to wonder why they even signed up in the first place. Hpwever there will generally be a small percentage of people who sign up for things they have no real intention of using.
  • Quickly lose interest – these are the people who like trying things out…but are easily bored. They probably don’t even want what you are offering but will try it anyway simply because it is free. However when another free trial comes along then move onto that and lose interest in your offer.
  • Something for nothing – some people want something for nothing and will happily sign up for a service and use is while it remains free and then quit when it is time to pay.
  • Cheaters – some people will love your free stuff so much that they will want to continue using it without paying. They will try to sign up multiple times for your free offer but have no intention of ever paying for it.
  • Genuine Customers – This group will take you up on your offer, love your product and service and go on to buy from you.
  • Raving fans – These are the similar to your genuine customers but they will love what you do so much that they will recommend your product or service to all their friends and family members. (This is why affiliate programs – where customers get paid a commission for bringing in extra sales – are very important.)

Next up: Find out how RocketResponder and the RocketResponder Devzone, can help you turn your leads into customers and help prevent you losing them to the hands of the competition.

See Also: RocketResponder Blog: Top Autoresponder Tips: Turning Leads Into Customers Part Two

Patrick Griffin

Patrick Griffin has been marketing online for 15 years. He's a serial entrepreneur and an avid email and content marketing enthusiast with a background in publishing and journalism, including a UK Press Award.

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