Is Tuesday…The Best Day To Send Email?

The question that pops up the most from customers and newer email marketers is what is the best time of the day to send email?

That’s a tough question to answer simply because there are so many factors involved. We did a blog post a few months ago that tried to tackle this question and while the answer wasn’t the most popular one, we feel that only YOU can decide which time of the day performs best. From your own tracking and testing, you will start to see some patterns.

However something is very clear in our tracking over the years and from studies around the web….Tuesdays are still the day of the week that sees the most ‘action’ when it comes to email.

The arguments are that while Mondays people ‘dread’ the thought of being back to work for the week, Tuesdays is when ‘work mode’ is in full swing.

Is there an truth to that or is that just anecdotal evidence?

According to an in depth study by Propeller, Tuesday was the best day on paper to send….But again, it depends on the market.

This is why it’s so important to not only know your market but also track your stats to see exactly what works and what doesn’t.

Personally, speaking from my own experience, I get very good results sending email on Tuesdays. But you’ll notice in that study above that 10am was the best time to send email….My stats show me that while Tuesdays are great days to send….It’s actually after 8 pm that sees the most open rates and click through rates.

Know YOUR lists!

See what works for you and your lists by tracking all your emails. The more you track and test, the better gauge you will have on your lists.

And that’s the ultimate goal, to maximize your results by sending valuable content to your subscriber lists every day you can….Especially Tuesdays 😉

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