One Click List Importing? Yeah, We’ve Got That!

We’ve had quite a busy summer here at RocketResponder!

First we introduced savvy email marketers to White Label and made state of the art professional email marketing available to any one! No need to spend thousands on your own servers and email software, with White Label, you can leverage the power of professional email marketing right from your RocketResponder account.

Next we added Facebook Funnel which allowed members to capitalize off the massive potential of building your lists through Facebook advertising.

And finally, last month we added Lead Page our in shop squeeze and lead page generator. Which is included in every RocketResponder account and allows you to make stunning visual sites with a simple drag and drop editor.

So how do we end the summer?

We introduce One-Click List Importing!

one click list import

Why the need for list importing?

Not only was this one of the most sought after features for our service, but we didn’t want our customers to have to jump thorough hoops to get their lists imported.

No matter what the source, you can now upload your source file for your lists and presto…One click and you are good to go!

Unlimited lists, unlimited subscribers!

The hassle members had to go through before was too much. So instead we created this service to be at your service anytime you need it.

It doesn’t get easier than that!

Be sure to log into your RocketResponder account now and try it out. You never need to send in support tickets again to get your lists imported. One click, that’s all there is to it 🙂

Phew…..It’s been a busy summer….

I wonder what we have planned next for the fall 🙂 Stay tuned!

The Importance Of Constant Communication

“Absence doesn’t make the heart grow fonder, it makes the heart go wander…”

I was reading a book recently when this quote struck me…

How true it is!

In online business, we sometimes think our customers will ‘remember’ us out of loyalty. In a nutshell, we get cocky! We think we are the center of the universe and forget about how important it is to communication regularly with our customers.

One of the best parts of focusing on email marketing is the ability you have to stay in constant communication with your clients and subscribers.

I can’t stress this enough…

Let’s be honest, your customers are under a barrage of influences. From marketing messages, to Facebook and Twitter notifications, family drama to what’s happening on The Bachelorette. We live in a world where 140 characters may be too much information for us to take in all at once…

Out of sight, out of mind?

No, it’s more like too much for me to keep up with!

So that’s why staying in front of your clients and subscribers is so important. In fact, I would argue that email marketing is one of the best ways to not only do that but also a MUST for any marketer or business person to make a real impact on their customer base.

You simply need to be in front of your customers as much as you can. And while some folks may think sending an email to their mailing lists daily could be overkill, I think you still should be in contact AT THE MINIMUM of 2 times a week.

2 times a week?

Yeah, and that’s a minimum. Now I know you may argue that it may be to much for your lists to handle, but trust me on this…Your subscribers might read you email in the morning and forget you even sent it in the afternoon.

So as long as you are providing VALUE in your communication, they will actually appreciate it.

Yes, that does mean that you must work on your relationship with your list but at the end of the day, constant communication is the right move for your email marketing.

It doesn’t have to be every day, but you should still come up with a game plan to provide useful and valuable content to your lists and subscribers at least twice a week.

6 Excuses You Tell Yourself To Not Build An Email List

Email marketing is a no brainer. Building a strong and responsive list is usually ‘step number 1‘ for almost every affiliate marketer and online business.

Simply put, it’s not up for debate…You need to be building your list.

Somehow though, we seem to talk ourselves out of it.

We are our own worst enemy when it comes to talking ourselves out of practicing habits that could pay huge dividends down the road. Embracing email marketing is one of those fantastic habits we should be doing…Every day!

Here’s some of my observations over the years on how we talk ourselves out of embracing email marketing…How many do you see yourself doing?

1. I’m Not Good At Writing Emails – Guess what? Only a few select human beings are ‘born’ with the natural ability of being a great writer. For the rest of us, it’s a learned skill. And it’s done by trial and error. It’s done by actually WRITING more emails. I started writing emails in the early 2000’s and have been doing so since, and by no means am I what people would consider ‘a great writer’…However, I keep writing, I keep learning and I keep at it to be better every single day.

2. People Hate Getting Emails
– Correction, people hate getting GARBAGE emails. They do appreciate a tip or two. They also enjoy hearing about your new content or services that you are offering. I know I appreciate hearing from the list owners I subscribe to when they talk to me like a real human being and not just another ‘name on their list’. Simply put – People LOVE getting the RIGHT emails!

3. Email Marketing Is Expensive – Well, that depends on what service you use 🙂 For example, email marketing here at Rocket Responder is about as affordable as it gets. And the best part, while other auto responder services start to charge you more as your lists grow, we are one fee, every month regardless of whether you have 500 people on your mailing list or 500,000. It’s the same price, every month. Email marketing doesn’t need to be expensive, you just need to find a good home that delivers the goods and doesn’t break your bank!

4. I Have Way Too Many Things To Worry About, Email Takes Time – You know what the best thing is about your email marketing and choosing a service like Rocket Responder? It’s powerful and can be 100% automated. The true power of an email marketing auto responder is found in the ability to set messages up to go out when you want. Anytime you want. To any list you want. You can tailor make your emails to go out when you need them to, and leave more time for you to focus on other aspects of your business. That’s actually what auto responders were originally designed to do, create automation for your email communication. Set up a solid autoresponder series and let the system do the heavy lifting for you!

5. I Have Nothing To Send An Email About
– This could be the number one excuse. More marketers have told me over the years that they don’t know what to actually send their subscribers and don’t even bother trying to draft a message at all. Here’s just a few things you could write about and if you did some creative thinking, I’m sure the list would grow every day. You could write about content you have found online that is helpful. Maybe news about your product or service. Is their industry announcements that you feel they could benefit from learning about? How about an experience you had that translated into a life lesson everyone could benefit from? Did you make a new blog post? Are you having a sale or promotion? What about your plans for the month or quarter? You see, coming up with things to write about and let your subscribers know about is the easy part!

6. I Only Have A Few People On My List, It Barely Grows – I have maintained for years that you need to focus on 3 subscribers not 3000. And what I mean by that is the popular myth that you need a massive list to be considered a success is bogus. Here’s the truth, you need an ACTIVE list to be a success. And active lists are not limited to 3000 or 30000 people. Grow your list daily by engaging them and giving great content, the more they feel like you respect them, the more ‘active’ they become. And when you have active subscribers, the world opens up for you. I’ll take an active list of 100 over a dead list of 10,000 any day.

Don’t wait another day to start building your list! Be sure to test drive Rocket Responder today for a full month at absolutely no cost. Once you start seeing for yourself how powerful this form of communication and marketing can be, you’ll be hooked!

Are Your Headlines The Reason For Low Open Rates? Or Is There Something Else…

It’s been a few months now since Rocket Responder launched White Label.

We create this solution for the email marketers that wanted a premier service that separated them from their competition but more importantly, added guaranteed delivery to their email messages.

White Label was a huge success and marketers around the internet raved at how easy it was to use White Label and of course how affordable it was.

We were stumbling around the internet this past week and found this article that highlighted the new truths for doing any kind of email marketing in 2017…

Here is a snippet email marketers should pay attention to…

email marketing

(Source: Lemon Consulting)

The question was asked…

Was it your headlines that were the cause of low email open rates or was there something else…

The article claims at the end, you MUST find another solution if you want to go ‘cheap’ on your email marketing. An autoresponder service such as Rocket Responder does NOT have your emails going out through budget servers. We spend top dollar to make sure your emails are read and opened.

But what about that extra guarantee?

Is White Label the solution in 2017 to maximize open rates and provide customers with a sure fire way to get their emails into the inboxes of their subscribers?

We think so!

White Label is only a few months old but the results are in…This is your perfect solution for high quality email marketing and management. And the guaranteed way to get your emails read by those that matter most…Your customers and clients!

Email Marketing 101: Use Lots Of Space

Email marketing is not an exact science.

Sure there are plenty of stats and analytics that get thrown at you from every angle on what works and what doesn’t. So you have to always remind yourself this…Everything you learn and read about, take it as an example of something that MIGHT work for you.

The beauty of email marketing is that you can literally test things on the go and if something doesn’t work right away you can change it and see if it improves your results.

Writing emails isn’t an exact science either. A huge chunk of effective email marketing is yes, writing better emails for your readers so in this short blog post, we hope to give you some tips that has helped us over the years but should never be taken as gospel.

This works for us, and the only way you will find out if it works for you is to roll up your sleeves and press ‘Broadcast!’

When you are writing an email to your list, use lots of space!

And what we mean by that is….

“Don’t just write a huge block of text like I’m about to do here. Sure it might be proper formatting and proper english or whatever. But effective email copy breaks things up into easy to digest sentences and paragraphs. We are not trying to bore our readers and make them stop reading what we send. And unfortunately when we just use run on sentences and massive paragraphs, again like this example, you will bore your readers and it will not grab their attention at all. Are you getting tired of reading this paragraph yet? I know I would be if it was in an email. So please, don’t write to your lists using huge massive paragraphs like this. It’s the quickest way to get your email deleted….”

Phewwwwww….I’m glad that is over!

Do you see how that could just bore your readers to death? But how about using lots of space and breaking up your email into simple sentences and paragraphs like this!

– Use bullet points as well!

  1. Or maybe use numbered lists like this.
  2. This is very effective at grabbing attention in the body of your email.

Those examples above really help and the most important thing to remember is that…

People will scan emails, they won’t spend 15 minutes reading them.

So make your most important facts and messages stick out and easily found. You do this by using lots of space, new sentences, bullet points, numbered lists and simple short paragraphs.

Try this out in your broadcasts and see if it gets better results 🙂